Live data from WWA Weather Station.
Local Weather Warnings
Local Navigation Warnings
Runway in Use
Runway State
Unofficial Met Observation - Not For Operational Use
Current Wind Direction °
Current Wind Speed kt
Peak/Gust (2 mins) kt
Peak/Gust (10 mins) kt
Visibility m
Present Weather
Cloud (Layer 1)
Cloud (Layer 2)
Cloud (Layer 3)
Cloud (Layer 4)
Air Temperature °C
Dew Point °C
Runway Temperature °C
Rainfall Rate mm/hr
Barometric Pressure (QNH) hPa
Barometric Pressure (QFE) hPa
Airspace NOTAM Bookings for Today
EG D 201H
EG D 202A
EG D 202B
EG D 202C
EG D 202D
See AIS website for status of other parts of D201 Danger Area complex
Forecast for next 24 hour period